

连锁品牌Mist Coco与Mango的门店设计风格,亮眼的招牌和鲜明的色彩

一家名为"Mist Coco"的店铺,门口悬挂着鲜艳的橙色招牌。店铺上方还悬挂着另一个标志,写着“Mango Thai”。门口放着一辆显眼的粉色小推车,推车上装着一些货物。街道旁边还有停放的车辆,门店整体给人一种鲜明的视觉冲击。

Prompt:A photo of the entrance to the "Mango Thai" restaurant in San Francisco. There is an orange flag with red letters that say "Mist" on it, and next door stands another large tree. There's also one pink delivery cart from Cooper & Estcom standing outside the building.The store name written above its doors reads in white lettering that says "Coco". On top of each pair of wheels are two green arrows pointing towards the right side of the picture. One black car is parked nearby.




名为"Mist Coco"的店铺,店铺上方悬挂着橙色“Mango”标志,门前有一辆粉色的小推车,推车上摆放着货物,周围有绿树遮挡,给人一种宁静的街道感觉。整家店铺的装潢和前一张图片中的有相似的品牌元素。

Prompt:A photo of the entrance to the "Mango Thai" restaurant in San Francisco. There is an orange flag with red letters that say "Mist" on it, and next door stands another large tree.





"Mist Coco"与“Mango”的组合标志更加醒目,橙色的招牌配合红绿色的“Mango”字体。门口依然摆放着一辆粉色的小推车。背景是整洁的店面,里面可以隐约看到店内的灯光和装饰,营造出温馨且现代的氛围。

Prompt:There's also one pink delivery cart from Cooper & Estcom standing outside the building.The store name written above its doors reads in white lettering that says "Coco". On top of each pair of wheels are two green arrows pointing towards the right side of the picture. One black car is parked nearby.

